All-Access MIND
Nurturing wellness with the mind, breath, and body.
Educator. Facilitator. Coach.
Ginger Sands is a certified mindfulness educator based in Nashville, TN.
She is trained to offer age-appropriate, research-vetted, and science-based mindfulness lessons to support wellness in adults & children. She strives to offer personalized instruction created with the intention of addressing the specific needs and concerns of each individual student or team.
Access for all.
We all can benefit from science-based wellnes practices that nurture wellness in mind, body and spirit.
No matter what age and stage we are at in life, sensory-oriented attention training can help manage stress and anxiety, regulate emotions, and strengthen compassion for oneself and others. This is true for individuals as well as the groups and communities in which we work, play and create.
Ginger offers age-appropriate, interactive, sensory-oriented lessons using the peer-vetted PreK-5 curriculum from Mindful Schools. Each lesson is designed with a spirit of playfulness and mutual discovery. For teens, Ginger offers practical, teen-centered lessons utilizing the Inner Strength for Teens (™) curriculum. This award-winning program is designed specifically for adolescents, offering tools to nurture mental wellness, build resilience, and encourage healthy peer relationships.
Whether you are a parent, teacher, co-worker, caregiver (or all of the above), being an adult in this day and age is a constant juggle to balance information, responsibilities and obligations. Ginger partners with adults to create a personalized lesson plan, offering practical, science-vetted tools to nurture wellness and self-compassion. This includes one-on-one coaching, circle processes for group facilitation and seminar series’ designed to meet defined goals and needs of your group or team.
Professional workers, teachers, bands, theatre groups, athletic teams: all have one thing in common - working together for a common goal. That might be meeting the quota for the next sales cycle, raising test scores, preparing to go on the next big tour or simply living and learning in productive harmony. Ginger utilizes science-based & research vetted methods to encourage connection and community-building in professional, corporate, and educational environments.
Why mindfulness? Why now?
Research shows that sensory-oriented attention training (aka mindfulness) can help decrease stress and anxiety, strengthen resilience and help with emotional self-regulation, for both adults and children.
Better focus
Impulse control
Improved interpersonal relationships
Stress management
Mindfulness can support:
Pain management
Anxiety management
Other wellness practices
And many other benefits!
mind·ful·ness Noun
mind·ful·ness | \ ˈmīn(d)-fəl-nəs
1: the quality or state of being mindful
2: the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one's thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis